Customer Testimonials

Below are a list of real life customers who have been nice enough to provide us with their thoughts and opinions on our Electric Wheelbarrows, Wagons or Carts that they have purchased from us. They have also been nice enough to let us post their actual names below their comments, which goes to show you how much they love our products. You don't put associate your name with a product unless you're a huge fan of what it does for you. We are greatly appreciative for their comments and for the fact that they also let us post their names as well.
(These customers have had absolutely no compensation for the following comments.)

"We give the C27-8A Electric Wheelbarrow a 5-shovel rating. It’s a sturdy, well-designed wheelbarrow that runs for a full day on a single charge, moves easily and quickly, dumps the full contents with little effort, and goes backward as readily as it goes forward. If you have a lot of heavy material to move, this is the tool for you."
Read the full
Wheelbarrow Review here.
Monica Hemingway

"We purchased a C27-10A at the 2012 Ohio Quarter Horse Congress. My ten year old granddaughter cleans our stalls and loads it to capacity. She drives it up a 12 foot long, 4 foot high ramp and dumps it into the manure spreader with out any help! Thank you so much for a practical and labor saving electric wheelbarrow."
Roger Niekamp

"We had a difficult culver repair project that required conveying concrete into 66" diameter pip for disctances up to 350' and gradients as steep as 10%. The electric carts withstood concrete being dropped 50' through a tremie tube into the bucket, and 8 hour shifts of constant use.'s carts were the perfect solution to this project for us!"
Geoff Bohne
San Diego, CA

"We bough 3 electric wheelbarrows and they are great. I just cleared 128 trees from two acres. I hired a High School boy to haul the wood away while three of us cut it up. In just two days he hauled it all away using one cart. He also hauled 1200 pounds of sakrete upon a truck in one load. This all was done with only one charge to the cart. We use the wheelbarrows around the shop everyday. We are extremely pleased with our purchase."
Ben Puehler, Owner

"My son ordered three loads of topsoil and it was dumped in his driveway. One day he wheeled one load to the backyard using a standard wheelbarrow. The next day he borrowed a C44-9A electric wagon from his brother-in-law and he hauled the remaining four loads that same day. He told me that he hauled the four loads in the same time it took him to haul the one load and it was so much easier."
Don Sullivan
Stryker, OH